Default Tabs


  import { DefaultTabs } from "flowbite-svelte";
  export let tabs = [
      name: "Profile",
      active: true,
      href: "/#",
      rel: undefined,
      name: "Dashboard",
      active: false,
      href: "/#",
      rel: undefined,
      name: "Settings",
      active: false,
      href: "/#",
      rel: undefined,
      name: "Contacts",
      active: false,
      href: "/#",
      rel: undefined,

<DefaultTabs {tabs} />


The component has the following props, type, and default values. See type-list page for type information.

Name Type Default
tabs TabType[] -

Default Tabs

Underline Tabs

Icon Tabs

Full width Tabs

Interactive Tabs

Interactive Tabs 2

Multiple Interactive Tabs

Pill Tabs


Flowbite Tabs