Outlined Buttons

import { Button } from "flowbite-svelte";

Size xs

<Button name="Button text-xs" textSize="text-xs" btnColor="blue-outline" />
<Button name="Button text-xs" textSize="text-xs" btnColor="dark-outline" />
<Button name="Button text-xs" textSize="text-xs" btnColor="green-outline" />
<Button name="Button text-xs" textSize="text-xs" btnColor="red-outline" />
<Button name="Button text-xs" textSize="text-xs" btnColor="red-outline" />
<Button name="Button text-xs" textSize="text-xs" btnColor="purple-outline" />

Size sm

<Button name="Button" btnColor="blue-outline" />
<Button name="Button" btnColor="dark-outline" />
<Button name="Button" btnColor="green-outline" />
<Button name="Button" btnColor="red-outline" />
<Button name="Button" btnColor="red-outline" />
<Button name="Button" btnColor="purple-outline" />

Size base

<Button name="Button" textSize="text-base" btnColor="blue-outline" />
<Button name="Button" textSize="text-base" btnColor="dark-outline" />
<Button name="Button" textSize="text-base" btnColor="green-outline" />
<Button name="Button" textSize="text-base" btnColor="red-outline" />
<Button name="Button" textSize="text-base" btnColor="red-outline" />
<Button name="Button" textSize="text-base" btnColor="purple-outline" />


The component has the following props, type, and default values. See type-list page for type information.

Name Type Default
rounded boolean false
textSize Textsize 'text-sm'
btnColor Buttontypes 'blue'
type ButtonType 'button'
disabled boolean false

Default Button

Colored Shadow Button

Gradient Duotone Button

Gradient Monochrome Button

Gradietn Outline Button

Outlined Button

Rounded Button

Button Loader


Flowbite Buttons